Heller Teller & North Lawn News January 26, 2024
9 months ago, Hannah Wright
Our elementary honors choir practices for their clinic and concert to be held at Pittsburg Middle School on January 27th! This choir is under the direction of Miss Lindsey Unruh. #usd461 #northlawn #choir #believeachieveproceed
9 months ago, Hannah Wright
Congratulations to our North Lawn Classroom Spelling Bees winners! 1st & 2nd place students will advance to the USD 461 District Bee next Tuesday, Jan 30th at 9 a.m. in the NHS auditorium. #usd461 #northlawn #spellingbee #believeachieveproceed
9 months ago, Hannah Wright
Creative Art February 6, 2024 Heller
9 months ago, Neodesha Public Schools
North Lawn’s January Student of the Month is Kayley Newland! Kayley is a 4th grader and is in Ms. Bryant's class. Her hobbies are gymnastics and painting her nails. Her favorite things are gymnastics and Lilo and Stitch. Kayley wants to be a gymnastics coach and ultrasound technician when she grows up. Great Job, Kayley! #usd461 #northlawn #studentofthemonth #believeachieveproceed
9 months ago, Neodesha Public Schools
Due to weather and road conditions on county and side roads in our district, there will be no school tomorrow, Tuesday Jan. 23 for all USD 461 Neodesha Schools. Stay safe, everyone.
9 months ago, Neodesha Public Schools
Dear Bluestreak Staff and Families: As a result of the inclement weather with the freezing ice, we will be cancelling school tomorrow, Monday, January 22. We always work to have school open when possible, however, given the freezing ice that is occurring already, Neodesha schools will be closed on Monday, January 22. Thank you for your understanding and support.
9 months ago, Neodesha Public Schools
Sign up!
9 months ago, Juanita Erickson
NHS Spirit Squad
NL held their semester Student Ambassador interviews! Stay tuned for our announcement of our new NL Student Ambassadors! #usd461 #northlawn #believeachieveproceed #studentambassadors
9 months ago, Neodesha Public Schools
Mrs. Bowman's class was surprised with a special treat! Students designed and colored their own stocking caps. Then the talented Janet Babcock made them come to life! #usd461 #northlawn #believeachieveproceed
9 months ago, Hannah Wright
Layla was very engaged in her math lesson that was a new concept and Juni earned her reading goal on the first day back from break! #usd461 #northlawn #positivecallshome #believeachieveproceed
9 months ago, Neodesha Public Schools
Due to the shortened week, the North Lawn Classroom Spelling Bees will be moved to next week Jan 23-25 during library class. Reminder: the top two spellers from each glass will move forward to the district bee. District Bee will still be held on Tuesday, January 30th at 9 a.m. in the NHS auditorium. Thank you! 🐝
9 months ago, Hannah Wright
Heller Teller/North Lawn News January 12, 2024
9 months ago, Neodesha Public Schools
This afternoon Mrs. Wright treated Hunter Wheeler and Zayden Allen to lunch of their choice! In implementing our NL Leading with Character program these two students showed an outstanding amount of GRATITUDE. Our second quarter character focus was on gratitude. This quarter's focus will be on EMPATHY. #usd461 #respect #buildingcharacter #northlawn #believeachieveproceed
9 months ago, Hannah Wright
Sending a BIG Heller Hooray to Mrs. Huguenin's class! They filled their smiley face jar and earned a pizza party!
9 months ago, Heller
heller hooray
January is School Board Recognition Month!
9 months ago, Juanita Erickson
BOE Month
Congratulations are in order for our new Board of Education members Jeff Piatt and Tommy John. Both were sworn in tonight by Board Clerk Judy Hinshaw. The community of Neodesha is looking forward to working with you both!
9 months ago, Juanita Erickson
New Board Members
NHS dance team performs at halftime of the basketball game.
10 months ago, Juanita Erickson
Dance Team
Alumni Bluetunes perform tonight at the basketball game!
10 months ago, Juanita Erickson
Alumni Bluetunes
Congratulations to Stella Newkirk and Savanah Peitz! They finished Xtra math today and earned a BIG #hellerhooray!!!
10 months ago, Heller
heller hooray
heller hooray