District Office
Neodesha Public Schools District Office
Ms. Juanita Erickson, Superintendent, jerickson@usd461.org
Ms. Judy Hinshaw, Clerk of the Board, jhinshaw@usd461.org
Ms. Megan Kelly, Secretary/Treasurer, mkelly@usd461.org
522 Wisconsin - P.O. Box 88
Neodesha, KS 66757
About Neodesha - Neodesha USD 461 is a 3A school district located in Southeast Kansas. This progressive community has approximately 2,800 citizens and is located on Highway 75 in Wilson County. Classes are held in a PK-3 facility, a 4-6 facility, and a 7-12 facility. Renovations to all three buildings were completed in 2001, which included the addition of a PK classroom, all day Kindergarten, middle school complex, an extensive weight room facility and a new concrete grandstand facility. Each location has a storm shelter and secure entrances. The current district enrollment is approximately 700 students. Neodesha has several supportive foundations for students and staff.